Waking Up In Canada

Time Out Just To See

Balance November 17, 2011

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I think my Wednesday Morning Yoga Class is my absolute favourite. I enjoy Ashtanga in its repetitiveness, a rhythm in which I improve by repeating the same positions, pushing further into them, becoming surer in my feet and my core nad my breath. It is not easy but I know what it coming. Wednesday, however, is my Flow class. On Wednesday, anything can happen.

As we lay on our backs to start the class, our bent legs open onto the ground, my wonderful instructor talked about Bramacharya. Her interpretation of this limb of yoga was moderation. She talked of the Prince who loved his bride passionately until a repressive power came between them and he had to fight for her. No hero is ever passionately balanced. She talked about moderation in love, sex, friendship, food, whatever it is, and to enjoy the fullness of even our breath without pouring all of ourselves into it.

For someone who was spending these few days leaving behind the Halloween candy which has somehow made it this far into November, this was a welcome reminder of Balance and Moderation. They may not make it far in the Fairy Tales, but in the real world in which we live, these 2 are well respected virtues. They make for a fairer boss and a trusted spouse, an enjoyable party go-er and a wise friend. The key part of what I heard was the idea of enjoying the fullness of something without pouring oneself completely into it. To me, it was someone saying you can enjoy a beautiful meal but you do not need 4 servings, you can enjoy a piece of chocolate but you will stop enjoying it if you eat the entire fudge store. Enjoy your friends but allow them their own space and choices, enjoy your family and know you are a limb, not the entire focus the world revolves around.

When I live a balanced life, I do well in all areas of my life. Not just one area gets all my attention and focus. I know when I am balanced. My body feels well, my mind settles and my lips curve upwards. Somehow, balance is easier to find as I travel, it is the routine that I cling to as I move my surroundings, my activity, my bearings. It is like in yoga, when I move into a deep position, I remember to strengthen my core. My faith, my family and friends, my food, my running, are always at my core, wherever I am.

I love fairy tales, but I do wish the princesses would stand up for themselves once in a while. A lady could spend all her life waiting to be rescued. Here’s to the Princess who awoke to tell the Handsome Prince that he was over-reacting, she was just very, very tired and ask him to help her tidy the castle of the overgrown weeds.  She can then kiss him passionately: everything in moderation, even moderation.


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